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Empty Nest Syndrome: How to Fight It Empty Nest Syndrome: How to Fight It
This is the moment: the kids have finally all moved out. How do you feel? Probably some combination of proud, wistful and nostalgic. It’s... Empty Nest Syndrome: How to Fight It

This is the moment: the kids have finally all moved out. How do you feel? Probably some combination of proud, wistful and nostalgic. It’s hard to wrap your head around.

This chapter of your life has come to a close, and now you’ve got the house to yourself again. How do you fight off the empty nest blues?

Here are a few of our tips.

Empty Nest Syndrome


Consider picking up some new hobbies to help you focus on something else. Painting, playing an instrument, learning a new language, gardening and learning a new sport are all popular choices. Health and fitness pursuits are also great at this stage in someone’s life.

Not only will these hobbies provide a good outlet for your complex feelings about this stage of life, but they’ll likely help you meet new people or find new common ground with old friends.


If being in your home without the kids is bumming you out, consider taking a vacation. Get on a cruise ship and travel to the Caribbean for a week. Head up to Aspen and enjoy some skiing. Heck, just head to the beach or the mountains for a weekend. It’s hard to get used to the new status quo, so why not take a break from the usual for a while?


Maybe you’re finding your current place is a bit big now that all the kids have moved out. Maybe you don’t need all this room, and you’re sick of seeing the empty bedrooms where the kids used to sleep. Consider moving into a new, smaller home. Not only will you have a smaller mortgage, you’ll also get a fresh start on a new chapter in your life.

If you’ve found it hard to move on from your kids moving out, maybe it’s time for you to move out too. You can even opt to move somewhere more central, like downtown or closer to the city center, to get into more social activities.


Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. When all is said and done, some things in life are hard to wrestle with. The blues you’re feeling now that the kids have moved out could be simple angst that time keeps passing. Aging and, eventually, dying are just natural parts of being human. If these are the underlying issues to your empty nest syndrome, we’ve got advice.

The best way to deal with these emotions is by sitting with them and reflecting on them, honestly. Aging isn’t glamorous or fun. It is, however, what makes you human.

Consider meditating on your life’s path, and think about your children and their role in shaping who you are now. Accepting life, even in the moments where it hurts, is key to living happily.