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Try These 5 Simple Habits and Start Building Your Best Life This New Year Try These 5 Simple Habits and Start Building Your Best Life This New Year
Taking the easy road in life can be tempting. But that will almost guarantee that your results don’t last. Building better habits can be... Try These 5 Simple Habits and Start Building Your Best Life This New Year

Taking the easy road in life can be tempting. But that will almost guarantee that your results don’t last. Building better habits can be the easiest and most effective way to improve your life. We’ve assembled a list of the most helpful habits to help you build your best life.

Smile More Often

It’s scientifically proven that when you smile it can improve your mood. One of the most common reasons people don’t smile isn’t because they’re in a bad mood, but instead, because they’re not confident with the look of their smile. There are plenty of highly effective over the counter teeth whitening solutions that rival the results of the dentist office.

One of the easiest home solutions to improve the whiteness of your teeth is by brushing with a mixture of baking soda and drops of lemon juice. After you’ve brushed, let the mixture sit for one minute and then rinse. It’s also important to avoid foods that can stain your newly whitened teeth. If you are drinking something dark, using a straw is a good way to reduce the chances of your teeth being stained.

Make Saving Easy

Getting into the habit of saving money can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Apps like Robinhood or Acorns make it easier than ever. Both allow you to automatically invest an amount that is comfortable for you. Small investments can really add up over the long run!

Improve Your Posture

Having good posture is one of the best ways to avoid future back pain issues. To break old habits can be difficult and reminding yourself to “sit up straight” isn’t always effective. That’s why it’s important to strengthen the muscles that help support a healthy posture. There are some simple exercises that will put your posture in place without having to think about it. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and bring your arms behind you and interlace your fingers with your palms pressing together. Then take a deep breath while raising your hands as high as comfortably possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower your hands as you exhale. The next exercise is called the “child’s pose.” Sit on your shinbones with your knees together and Fold forward at your hips and walk your hands out in front of you. Breath in deep and on each exhale walk your hands out a little further until you’re at your comfortable limit. Remain in that position for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths feeling the stretch throughout your back.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Losing any amount of weight can be a daunting task. It can be even more difficult to keep the weight off. That’s why it’s important to build healthy habits into your daily routine. By building these habits you ensure that your losses, (and gains), will be around for years to come.
Cut back on sugar and starches. By making this small change you’re allowing your body to use fat as a fuel source instead of sugars. Another benefit is that it lowers insulin levels, allowing your body to shed excess sodium and reduce daily bloating.

Don’t eat after the sun goes down. Your body metabolizes food for energy in accordance with your circadian rhythm. By cutting down the amount of food you eat after the sun goes down, you’re reducing the number of calories your body will store while you sleep. By eating late in the evening you’re giving your body fuel, but not giving it the opportunity to convert that to fuel.