Health Hack for your Next Cold: Advil+Tylenol
HealthMedicalxPick September 29, 2020 Kristian Wilson

Everyone occasionally experiences the common cold or flu. In many cases it is unnecessary to visit a health care provider to obtain prescription medications. Many over the counter products are both effective and safe and can help restore your health. Advil and Tylenol are good examples.
Benefits Of Taking Advil And Tylenol
While either of these products can be considered one of the best remedies for a cold, taking both of these medications together is a great best practice when you have the flu or a cold. As each has its own medical classification, the combination is an excellent way to achieve relief.
The common symptoms in colds and flu are related to inflammation. This makes Advil a popular choice. It blocks enzymes that normally cause prostaglandins to form. Prostaglandins affect the processes of inflammation and healing. When their formation is blocked, it reduces common symptoms of inflammation, including fever and pain. You will feel much better when your temperature returns to normal, and you are no longer suffering from a headache, body aches, and muscle aches. Tylenol is also useful when you are dealing with a cold or flu. It can produce some of the same results as Advil. However, it is an entirely different medication, and it works in different ways. First, as an analgesic, Tylenol is a painkiller. It works on the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Tylenol is also classified as an antipyretic. Its effects on the hypothalamus cause your body to lower its temperature. This, in turn, reduces your fever. As aches, pains, and fever are common symptoms in both colds and flu, all of these benefits are useful. Instead of suffering for a long period of time, you can have relief. When you use both of these medications, you can feel better, and be on your way to healing and health.
Advil And Tylenol: Best Practices
While you can have better results from both medications instead of taking only one, there are some sensible practices you should follow. Neither medication will interfere with the other medication’s effects, and taking both will not increase your risk of side effects. There is no drug interaction between Advil and Tylenol. When you follow some best practices, you can have the results you want without any disadvantages.
One of the easiest approaches is to take medications every four hours, and alternate between medications. As an example, you can take Advil now, and then take Tylenol two hours later. Two hours after you have taken Tylenol, it is time to safely take another dose of Advil. Continuing this pattern can really help ease symptoms.
Perhaps you are wondering if you can simply take both at the same time- the answer is yes. Not only do they work differently, they are also cleared differently by your body. Your kidneys will eliminate Advil, whereas your liver will eliminate Tylenol. This means there is no extra strain on your organs. If you prefer to take both together, you can. However, alternating the medications usually produces the most effective results.
There are some additional points to keep in mind.
First, while you should drink a full glass of water regardless of the medication you are taking, you should also have something to eat when you take Advil. You will be at a lesser risk of stomach discomfort. It should not be taken on an empty stomach. When you have a bad cold or the flu, you may not want a full meal. A couple of crackers, or a small serving of cereal can be helpful. If you do not feel like eating at all, drink a glass of milk shortly before you take the medication. In contrast, you do not need to eat before taking Tylenol. It is not harmful to take the product on an empty stomach. It is entirely up to you, whatever your preference may be.
Second, only take the recommended dosage for your weight and age. You can find this information on the label. If you have any questions, or are unsure of the dosage that is right for you, you can call your doctor or your pharmacist.
Third, neither product separately or combined is meant to be taken for long periods of time. Advil and Tylenol should not be taken for more than three days. If your symptoms are not relieved, contact your doctor. You should also contact your doctor immediately if you notice any side effects.
Fourth, while Advil and Tylenol are safe for most people, ask your physician’s advice if you are taking any other medications. Drug interactions may occur, whether you take prescription medications or over the counter products.
Taking Advil With Acetaminophen: What To Avoid
Although they are safe products, over the counter medications are still drugs. They can cause complications if you do not take sensible precautions. One of the most important dangerous approaches is taking too much. It is not impossible to overdose on either of these drugs. Overdosing on Tylenol can result in confusion, excessive perspiration, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, weakness, or loss of appetite. If you do not receive prompt treatment, a large overdose may result in liver failure and death. Instead of overcoming a cold or flu, you can die within days. Overdosing on Advil can lead to serious, permanent health complications. It can permanently damage your stomach, kidneys, and intestines. You can develop a much greater risk of stroke or a fatal heart attack. It is even more dangerous if you already have heart disease.
Considering all the complications that can occur from an overdose, you must avoid taking more pills than you should, and avoid taking them more often than you should.
Avoid these medications unless you have a doctor’s approval if you already have high risk factors. For Advil, this includes a history of heart disease, high cholesterol, ulcers, high blood pressure, medications that affect blood clotting, or diabetes. For Tylenol, this includes kidney or liver problems. Only use the products if your doctor says they are safe for you.
While side effects are uncommon, they can occur. Some people experience a variety of gastrointestinal problems when taking Advil. The risks can be reduced by eating or drinking milk before taking the product. Serious side effects are less common, but do not ignore a problem if it does occur. Advil may increase your risk of heart failure, kidney problems, liver problems, and fluid retention. If you experience difficulty speaking, sudden numbness or weakness, difficulty breathing, or chest pain, obtain medical help immediately.
Tylenol can also cause side effects. In most cases they are minor. You may experience loss of appetite, a headache, nausea or stomach discomfort, or darker urine or stools. If you experience serious side effects, such as trouble breathing or dizziness, seek medical help immediately.
Some people are allergic to even the safest over the counter products. Swelling, itching, hives, and rashes are examples. If you are taking these products and believe you are having an allergic reaction, see a medical professional as quickly as possible.
Do not take Advil or Tylenol if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Although studies show both products are safe, you should not take any medications at all without direct approval from your own doctor.
Take special precautions if your child has a cold or flu. As a parent, it is understandable that you do not want your child to suffer. The Advil and Tylenol products you use for yourself, though, are not made for children. Fortunately, both companies do make products specifically for youngsters. You can even find liquid and flavored products for children that are too young to swallow pills, or do not like the taste of regular medications. Avoid giving your children medications that are made for adults. Instead, choose a children’s product, and follow the recommended dosage based on your youngster’s age and weight.
For that matter, you can also avoid the misconception that adults have only one option when using Advil and Tylenol for a cold or flu. Both companies offer a variety of products for this specific purpose. Although you will need to check the dosage information on the labels, you can find numerous cold-and-flu medications, extra-strength options, and even nighttime medications that can relieve your symptoms so you can get a good night’s sleep.
Good Health With Advil And Tylenol
These precautions should not deter you from using Advil and Tylenol when you have a cold or flu. It only means you should be sensible when you take these products, and stay alert to possible side effects. Advil and Tylenol are both excellent medications, and you can benefit from using them. When you are not bothered by common symptoms, you can start to recover without spending a long period of time in bed. Without the symptoms, you may feel up to meeting your daily responsibilities and living your everyday life. Advil and Tylenol do not carry the health risks of many prescription medications. While some people should not take these products, they are safe and effective for most adults. Because they are safe, they can be purchased at any pharmacy, grocery store, or online, and you do not need a prescription. They are also inexpensive.
You can be confident in these products because they are made by well-known, well-respected companies. Advil, which has been available since 1984, is produced by Pfizer. Tylenol is made by Johnson & Johnson’s subsidiary, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, and has been around since 1955. These products have been tested and found to be effective and safe. They have helped countless numbers of people for many decades. The same cannot be said for many medications. Both over the counter and prescription medications are often too new to be considered trustworthy. Too often, products are available to the public for a long time before health hazards are discovered. You never need to have this concern with Advil and Tylenol. They are products you can trust, made by companies you can trust. Generations of consumers have already proven this is true.
Almost everyone has had bad colds and the flu. Not only can it interfere with your life, you may not even feel like getting out of bed. Perhaps you do not have the option of sleeping all day, or you may even feel too sick to sleep. This does not mean you must stay in bed for a week, or call your doctor for an expensive prescription that might cause serious side effects. You can simply ask a friend or family member to go to the store and buy Advil and Tylenol for you.
A good idea, though, is to plan in advance. Learn which Advil and Tylenol products are available, choose the options that are right for you and others in your family, and keep them in your medicine cabinet. When you take this approach, you will always be prepared whenever anyone in your household becomes ill. You will not need to rush to the store, or ask for help. You should not overexert yourself when you have a cold or flu, but you do not need to be bedridden and miserable. As long as you take sensible precautions, and use these products according to directions, they can greatly reduce your symptoms without any unnecessary complications.
There are two points to keep in mind when you are considering taking Advil with acetaminophen. Together, they are the best remedies for a cold or flu because you will have relief from your symptoms when you start taking these products, and you will not have any complications afterward. Unless you are one of the few individuals who should not take these medications, it is your first step to achieving good health.