It can feel devastating to have the person closest to you in the world no longer be in your life. Divorce is not a fun subject, and whether it was mutual or out of nowhere, you’re certainly going to need help dealing with it. After all, it represents a huge shift in your life.
There are a number of concerns when it comes to divorce. Of course, there’s the simple stuff: who gets what, who stays in the house, who gets the dog. Then, there’s the complex stuff. Who gets the kids, who will your friends side with, how are you going to move on? Today we’re going over a few tips for coping with a divorce.
Coping with a Divorce
You’re Different People
It’s okay that you and your former spouse went separate ways. You are different people, with different needs and wants and you have now gone your separate ways. If they were the one that wanted the divorce, then they’ll be happier moving forward. If you were the one that wanted it, hopefully you’ll be able to plot your new course and move on.
Bring Your Friends and Family in
Sometimes one of the best things you can do is just spend your free time with friends and family. Pull them in and make them aware of what you’re going through. They care about you, and they’ll be happy to spend some time with you and help you work through it. Whether that’s going out for dinner, going on a fun trip or whatever else you enjoy, just do something to take your mind off of it.
Get a Routine
It’s important to stay in your routine, and even to incorporate new things into your existing one. If your former spouse had you set aside time for them or their activities that is now free time, fill that time with your own hobbies. Maybe you like playing an instrument, or painting, or gardening. Whatever your hobby of choice, take your newfound free time and run with it!
Exercise and Nutrition
Don’t neglect your body! Make sure you’re getting plenty of exercise and eating right. This will do a few things. For one, getting exercise and eating good meals means that you’re in a better routine. Having a healthy routine is great for your mental health. For another thing, if you’re going to hit the dating scene again, you want to make sure you’re in good shape!
Try to Stay Optimistic
Try to stay positive. When your marriage ended, it might have felt cataclysmic. However, the ending of one chapter just means it’s the beginning of another. When your life gets upended, it’s hard to see the silver lining. However, take this as an opportunity to address the things you want to change. Clean house and get ready for a new chapter, this time with more wisdom.
Take a Break
If you can, try to get away for a while. Is there a vacation you’ve been wanting to go on, or a place you’d like to visit? Keep in mind, you can make whatever plans you want, now, as you’re unattached. Go on whatever adventure you’d like to go on and take a break from the real world for a spell. If you have vacation days, take some time off and tend to your own mental health.
Things Will Get Better
You will heal, in time. It might take you a while, but you will eventually feel normal, like your old self, and happy again. Things might seem hopeless now, but your brightest days are yet to come. You will stand in the sun again. Don’t let this stop you from enjoying the good things in life.