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Best Deals for Contact Lenses Best Deals for Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are a great option for people who need corrective lenses but don’t want to wear glasses. While many people like the look... Best Deals for Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a great option for people who need corrective lenses but don’t want to wear glasses. While many people like the look of spectacles, there are people who would prefer to not wear them, whether its aesthetic or due to the ease of wearing contacts.

Customers have many options to choose from when they buy contact lenses. In the past, contact lenses were rigid with less oxygen permeability. Now most contact lens wearers can choose soft lenses made of more flexible materials. The newer contacts are more comfortable, can be worn for longer and allow more oxygen through.

When choosing the best contact lenses, wearers need to first consider their doctors’ advice, and then look at the best options in the available brands. The best contact lenses are the ones which are the most comfortable, that allow the user to see clearly, and that match the lifestyle of the wearer, such as how long the lenses will be worn during the day. In either case, there are a ton of great sites to go through for deals on contacts! Today we’re looking at some of the best deals for contact lenses!

Best Deals for Contact Lenses

CooperVision ProClear

The CooperVision ProClear line of contact lenses is great for people who suffer from dry eyes when wearing contacts. If you find your eyes get dry rapidly while wearing contacts, you may use this brand. While the ProClear lenses can be fitted for either nearsighted or farsighted patients, they don’t offer any UV protection. That said, one of the best deals on these lenses is through, who offers a six-pack for under $18. That’ll last you for sixth months! Talk about a deal!

Air Optix Aqua Multifocal Contact Lenses

These lenses are the preferred for patients suffering from presbyopia. Presbyopia, which is farsightedness that develops due to elasticity loss in the eye, is often difficult to treat. Thanks to the unique shape of these lenses, however, they can address the issue. The Air Optix lenses also have a smooth transition from near to far when worn, which reduces disorientation and dizziness. These lenses are available from and for around $32 per box!

Acuvue Oasys

The Acuvue Oasys lenses are the contacts of choice for those who prefer extended wear. If you like to sleep with your contacts in, these are likely the contacts for you. The lenses benefit from technology that allows them to work with the layers of water on your own eye to keep from getting dry. Additionally, these lenses offer excellent UV protection, keeping your eyes safe from harmful rays. and both offer boxes of six for as low as $14!

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