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Best Laser Hair Removal Options that Actually Work Best Laser Hair Removal Options that Actually Work
No one likes having to shave manually. Between ingrown hairs and irritation, traditional razors just aren’t all that great for getting the job done.... Best Laser Hair Removal Options that Actually Work

No one likes having to shave manually. Between ingrown hairs and irritation, traditional razors just aren’t all that great for getting the job done. That said, laser hair removal hasn’t been a great alternative either until recently. Previously, laser hair removal gadgets were just too expensive and didn’t even really work all that well.

However, modern gadgets are much better about actually, you know, removing hair. Not to mention they’ve become more affordable in the intervening years. That’s not to say you should feel compelled to remove body hair; it’s totally natural after all…  but if you do want to remove it, try these laser hair removal options.

Laser Hair Removal Options

Silk’n Infinity 400,000

This device doesn’t actually use lasers, it uses Intense Pulse Light, or IPL, to eliminate hair. Interestingly, this IPL does a number of things when used on hair follicle. For one thing, the pulse itself burns the hair away easily. The second effect is the one that people love about laser treatments.

It destroys hair follicle. No, seriously. After repeated IPL treatments, you’ll find that the hair follicle will be destroyed entirely. That means that some people who use these devices regularly will eventually have no hair growth in the treated area.

As for the Silk’n Infinity, it’s a long-lasting device. As the name suggests, it has 400,000 IPL pulses stored in its battery. After it spends those pulses, though, it’s dead. That’s pretty much standard across all laser hair removal devices.

This one is a bit on the pricey side, though. It retails for $350. That said, it’ll last you for a long time, and it works on all skin tones.

Remington iLight Pro Plus Quartz Hair Removal System

Speaking of skin tones, that’s this system’s drawback. This Remington iLight is a fantastic hair removal device… unless you have darker skin. This device won’t even activate if it can’t differentiate skin from hair, so people with darker skin often can’t even use this.

The reason for this is that the Remington iLight system uses IPL, like the Silk’n Infinity. However, it can’t differentiate from hair and skin by any method other than color detection. That means people with especially fair body hair would also likely be unable to use it.

Those complaints aside, this is a fine hair removal system. It retails for $243, and it sports an impressive 300,000 IPL bursts. Like the Silk’n Infinity, it can destroy hair follicle over repeated treatment. That means you won’t have to worry about hair in a treated area after multiple treatments.

Tria Hair Removal Laser 4x

The Tria Removal Laser is unique among gadgets on this list, as it is actually a laser hair removal device. As in, it uses energy in the form of lasers to eliminate hair follicle. It’s FDA approved for home use, making it nearly one-of-a-kind in this field. It also costs enough to balance out just how unique it is: it comes in at $450.

While that may seem expensive, consider what you’re getting. This is a laser designed for home use that can make it so you don’t need to shave anymore. If you think about how much you spend on razer blades and other shaving products it makes it really hard to call this a bad investment.

If you’re not already familiar with laser treatment, this device walks you through it quite easily. It’s recommended that you only use the device with clean, freshly-washed and shaven skin. If you don’t you could risk burning yourself or improperly using the device.

After that, the device’s LED display walks you through the process step by step. That’s a good thing, as this process isn’t exactly straightforward. For those looking to use a real laser to get rid of their body hair, this is the device for you.

Illuminage Touch Permanent Hair Reproduction System

Another IPL device, the Illuminage system retails for $445. It sports a relatively small 120,000 IPL pulses, but that’s not the whole story. The notable thing about this system is that it can target hair follicles of red and blond colorations, making it unique among IPL devices.

That’s because it has the ability to differentiate hair follicle of that color from the surrounding skin. This means that it’s safe to use even if you’ve got a fair complexion, unlike some other systems. This device offers best results if used once a week for about six or seven weeks.

That said, consistency is key with this device and others like it. It’s important to get on a schedule and stick to it. While you may not see results immediately, god things come to those who wait. Keep up the treatments, stay consistent with shaving and keeping your skin clean, and you’ll see results.

Remington iLight Ultra Face and Body Hair Removal System

Another Remington iLight device, this one is a bit different than the Quartz from earlier. How so, you ask? Well, as the name implies, you can use it on your face. That’s right: any pesky facial hairs that are hanging out can be targeted with this device.

Well, as long as they’re dark enough. Like most IPL devices, this one can’t easily target light hair colors. Blonde, gray and red hairs tend to avoid the IPL beams, making this more for people with darker colored hair they want to target.

A note on this one: avoid your eyes. Don’t put the device anywhere near your eyes. The IPL bursts it lets out can literally blind you, so be careful when you’re using it. That goes for all of these devices, of course: don’t point them into your eyes. Seriously.

This device is also $450, which seems to be a normal price for devices that can remove hair with a laser. If you’re looking to get into home laser hair removal, it is much less expensive than going to a clinic for treatment, and it’ll likely save you a ton of money on shaving supplies.

Above all, remember: you should only change your body if it’s something that makes you happy. Body hair is completely natural, so only remove it if that’s what you want to do.

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