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Best Medicine for Heartburn: Keep the Party Going Best Medicine for Heartburn: Keep the Party Going
Nothing kills the idea of a fun night out with friends faster than remember your acid reflux could act up. Overactive stomach acid can... Best Medicine for Heartburn: Keep the Party Going

Nothing kills the idea of a fun night out with friends faster than remember your acid reflux could act up. Overactive stomach acid can put a damper on any party. When you want to just have fun and enjoy your friends, what are your options? Today we’re going over some of the best medicine options for heartburn to help you keep the party going.

Best Medicine for Heartburn

Oral Suspension Medicines

Oral suspension medicines include brand names like Pepto Bismol. These medications work by coating the inside of the esophagus, offering up protection from short-term heartburn symptoms. Generally speaking, Pepto and the like is more ideal for people who suffer acid reflux symptoms less frequently. That’s because once the coating wears off, it loses its effectiveness.


Antacids are a common medicine used to combat the worst heartburn symptoms. Brands like Tums, Rolaids, Mylanta and Maalox are all antacids. These medicines work by neutralizing the stomach acid that is over-acting in your stomach and causing you discomfort.

Generally speaking, antacids are used for fast relief from acute symptoms. For instance, if you’re out to dinner with friends and you begin feeling heartburn, you can pop a Tums to try to settle your stomach. Generally, antacids are used by infrequent sufferers because they give fast relief but aren’t ideal for long-term use.

Make sure you don’t take too many antacids in a short period. Taking too many can lead to diarrhea or constipation, so make sure you only take the ones you need.

H-2-Receptor Blockers

These medicines were once only available by prescription, though they are now available over-the-counter. Pepcid AC and Zantac are examples of brand names of this variety of medicine. Generally speaking, these receptor blockers are slower to act than antacids but work over a longer period.

That’s because receptor blockers stop the production of stomach acid, allowing people with mild symptoms of heartburn to treat their symptoms proactively. These medications are taken over a long period, instead of being taken in response to the appearance of symptoms.

Proton Pump Inhibitors

Medicines like Prilosec and Nexium fall under this category. These medications keep your stomach acid neutralized and can even heal damaged esophageal lining. These medications are ideal for people who suffer from more severe heartburn symptoms that are quite frequent. The trade-off is that these medications tend to be more expensive and require you to take them regularly.