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3 Big Takeaways from the Microsoft Build Confrence 3 Big Takeaways from the Microsoft Build Confrence
Microsoft has slowly become this generations IBM. What I mean by this is they are your Dads tech co, that is not a good... 3 Big Takeaways from the Microsoft Build Confrence

Microsoft has slowly become this generations IBM. What I mean by this is they are your Dads tech co, that is not a good thing. For the last 2 days Microsoft has been hosting the Build Keynote to show us all they are not dead yet. After sorting through the keynote here are the 3 big takeaways and what we can expect from Microsoft in the future.


1. Cortana and Alexa Will Integrate

Good news Everybody! Soon you’ll be able to speak with Cortana through an Amazon Echo or reach Alexa through your Windows 10 PC. Microsoft and Amazon will be making each of their smart assistants available on one another’s platform. This is not new news, as they did announce this last year but we are seeing progress toward the launch. This opens up the digital assistant game by drastically changing the device eco system for both products. Side-note, who will use Cortana when you have Alexa?


2. iOs and Android Will Get Timeline.

Just an app from Microsoft that lets you back up your phone to specific times. Wanna take your phone back to January before you got obsessed with the Love Balls app… done. With this upgrade that Microsoft has already had in Windows you will be able to  keeps track of all the apps you’re using and what you’re doing in them. You can open up the timeline to view your history and jump right back to where you were. A nice function of Timeline is  that it can sync across Windows 10 devices, So if you use the same apps on your phone and desktop, you’ll be able to pick something up on mobile that you started on a desktop.


3.Your Phone

Microsoft has another new app called Your Phone that will allow you to sync Android phones and iPhones with Windows 10. You’ll be able to use the app to send text messages, access your photos, and view mobile notifications from your computer. With a launch date this fall and it already going to beta I may be able to stop having 3 devices on my desk all day going off, mostly with the same notification.




The Final Thought

If you are not seeing a theme here, Microsoft is quietly expanding the comparability of the Microsoft device ecosystem. While there’s no doubt Windows 10 will continue to ship on laptops and desktops for years and years to come, Microsoft as a company is shifting its attention to a bigger picture. Its a pretty brilliant move

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