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Monday Movie Review : Venom Monday Movie Review : Venom
Hooray,  Its Monday. That means like most of you, and the rest of the free world, I got to hit the theaters over the... Monday Movie Review : Venom

Hooray,  Its Monday. That means like most of you, and the rest of the free world, I got to hit the theaters over the weekend. I like to do this every weekend. I wanted to take a little bit of time to tell you my experience at the movie,. Just a minute to shed a little insight and perspective on Hollywood’s latest hit. Seeing a great movie in the theater can be a life altering experience. It can also be an easy way to waste a couple of hours and 30 bucks. My hopes is that with a quick review from this self proclaim movie connoisseur I can save readers  a few hours.  Or better yet, possibly change a few more lives. I saw Venom this past weekend.

Venom is the latest superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel. Let talk about it


Venom 57% Life Altering

We have a Superhero movie. This one is interesting though. Venom is not altruistic, he is a down right evil symbiote. His human pair Eddie Brock is a tragically flawed man of biblical proportions. The two combine and special effects chaos ensues. The movie follows Tom Hardy’s “Eddie” struggle to come to grips with an alien parasite hosting on him, controlling his actions and eating peoples heads. Both Venom and Eddie share a common antagonist and the movie flows to that confrontation aboard a launching rocket. Abort.

What Did I Think?

Its a predictable superhero movie, you can write it out your self before seeing it. Culminating in an over the top and unnecessary 3rd act. For a superhero movie it strayed from the original Todd McFarland comic. Venom is a Spiderman villain. Most of what makes him unique is the symbiote bonds with the spidey suit. This is what gives Venom the characteristic we know and love. So that is a %10 loss in score.

Tom Hardy does an amazing job. He alone makes this movie watchable. He adds depth and layers to Eddie and makes him instantly likable. The likability and struggle Tom does with Eddie is completely fantastic and worth watching.

Riz Ahmed, you know him as the pilot from Rouge One. He does a delightful job with a one dimensional, terribly scripted villain. With just a little bit of forethought Drake could have been a wildly interesting villain.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, good intentions were what was missing from Drake. Think Thanos, his actions are selfless. Drake is  a character in a position to do some fantastic things, and a tragic fall, matched with a massively evil smybiote could have been cool. But instead Venom misses, I do not sympathize or care or really believe in Drake or Riot at all. 

The Final Venom Thought

Eddie, Watch it for Tom’s Eddie. Tom is one of the greatest actors of our generation, and this only adds to his impressive body of work.  The Post scene could open doors for a good 5-6 movie universe. We know Marvel has got the rights to Peter Park and Spiderman. However Sony still has Miles Morales’s Spidey, or Spider-Juan as I like to call him. They could introduce Miles and have a new spider man universe with Venom and Carnage and crew. All we ask Sony is plan for 5 movies, don’t rush, spend time developing the characters. That is what we love after all, its not the CG, its the characters.

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