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Top Tips for Treating the Cold or Flu Top Tips for Treating the Cold or Flu
There’s nothing quite as deflating as coming down with the flu or a cold. When you feel that funk coming down on your health,... Top Tips for Treating the Cold or Flu

There’s nothing quite as deflating as coming down with the flu or a cold. When you feel that funk coming down on your health, it’s time to cancel plans and call out of work. Really, no one wants to suffer through with a cold or the flu.

What are some of the best ways to treat these common bugs?

Treating the Cold or Flu

Vitamin C

One of the best ways to combat one of these common bugs is by getting tons of vitamin C. Whether you’re drinking orange juice, eating tons of vitamin C-filled fruits or taking supplements, vitamin C is great for you.

This wonderful little vitamin helps your body’s immune system and can help you kick a bug faster. Supplements like Emergen-C and other flu and cold medication often include lots of vitamin C to help bolster your immune system.

Pain Relief

One of the hallmarks of the flu, and, to a lesser extent, colds, is that they bring aching muscles along with them. If your flu or cold symptoms include this painful ache, consider keeping pain relievers on hand. Aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol and the like are often recommended to help with these kinds of general aches and pains.

Make sure you take these NSAIDs and pain relievers only as directed. If taken improperly, these medications can cause damage to the liver.

Stuffy Nose

Decongestants can be a huge help if you’re suffering from a stuffy nose. It’s quite miserable being unable to breathe through one’s nose, so decongestants are a great investment during flu season. They come in several delivery methods, including nasal sprays and pill form.

Nasal sprays tend to be the fastest-acting, often allowing for relief in a few minutes of using them. Make sure you only use decongestants as directed. Using nasal decongestants for more than three days can result in a rebound where your congestion gets worse. Oral decongestants, while slower, don’t have this drawback.


If you’re struggling with a rough, loud cough, there are ways to combat that, too. The most obvious way is to take cough drops, which can help coat the throat and reduce inflammation. However, it’s worth noting that a cough drop or other cough medication is likely not going to last for long, as they’re addressing the symptoms and not the causes.

Many doctors suggest warm drinks, such as tea with honey, for relief from a cough instead of medication. That’s because medications can have side effects that could exacerbate other flu/cold symptoms. A bowl of warm soup can have similar throat-soothing properties.