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Should You Buy an Electric Car? The Breakdown Should You Buy an Electric Car? The Breakdown
Here’s the deal: electric cars have a lot of rumors and notions swirling about them. Are they powerful? Do they have strong engine performance?... Should You Buy an Electric Car? The Breakdown

Here’s the deal: electric cars have a lot of rumors and notions swirling about them. Are they powerful? Do they have strong engine performance? Are they able to make it very far down the road? Are they really cheaper to own than conventional cars? Today we’re going to break down whether it’s worth it for you to buy an electric car.

Electric Cars and Preconceptions

Electric Motors

As a matter of fact, your average electric car is going to be comparable in power to a conventional engine. This goes for both luxury and budget electric cars, though the power, of course, varies by make and model. Tesla’s vehicles, for instance, have been described as quite powerful and very fun to drive.

Electric motors don’t have to be underpowered. Cutting around turns, peeling out quickly and burning rubber is just as fun with an electric engine as it would be with a gas engine.

Speaking of motors, the range of the batteries in electric cars has increased dramatically in the past ten years. While range varies based on cars, most electric vehicles offer at least 180 miles of distance on a single charge.


The main reason someone would want to purchase an electric vehicle, outside of environmental concerns, is the economic savings. While most EVs are much more expensive for the initial purchase than conventional cars, you save a lot over the course of owning an EV.

Electric vehicles don’t require gas, of course. Think of how much money you spend on gas every month. Now think about how much you spend on car maintenance, like oil changes and general engine maintenance. Imagine not having to spend any of that for the rest of your days owning this vehicle.


More so than just saving you money, electric vehicles are great for the environment. You will no longer be burning fossil fuels, and you’ll also stop using motor oil. Both of these steps are great for the planet. Secondly, you’ll also find that your electric vehicle will last much longer than the average conventional vehicle.

Preliminary estimates holds that the average EV will last around a decade before they need updates to their batteries and drive trains. During that decade, you’ll be burning no fossil fuels and using no motor oil. Not only are you saving money, you’re saving the planet from the carbon footprint you’d otherwise be leaving behind.