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Four Big Reveals from Google’s I/O 2018 Conference Four Big Reveals from Google’s I/O 2018 Conference
Google’s massive I/O 2018 conference unveiling all their new tech and software has come and gone. If you missed it, don’t fret! We’ve got... Four Big Reveals from Google’s I/O 2018 Conference

Google’s massive I/O 2018 conference unveiling all their new tech and software has come and gone. If you missed it, don’t fret! We’ve got you covered. Check out the biggest news from Google this year!

 I/O 2018 Reveal #1: Smart Compose for G-Mail

As a hybrid of predictive text and AI assistant, Smart Compose aims to make your email composition faster and easier. Using knowledge of your typing patterns and schedule, Smart Compose helps you automatically fill in chunks of sentences and streamlines your typing process.

This functionality is sure to be useful for those who have to compose dozens of emails a day. Helping cut down on the amount of time those people spend typing will allow them to focus on more productive or thought-heavy tasks, rather than bogging them down with routine emails.

I/O 2018 Reveal #2: Android P Public Beta

Google announced that they are rolling out the public beta of their new Android OS, Android P. Uniquely, this beta isn’t exclusive to Google’s Pixel line of phones. It will also be available on select phones from other manufacturers. Notably, the OnePlus 6 will be eligible for the beta when it releases later this year.

Android P is slated to be the next “big” thing. It streamlines the user experiences and adopts a more modern software suite. The new OS opts to clear out the four navigation buttons in favor of an iPhone X-like home button in the shape of a horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen. Android P also sports app suggestions based on time and location, another idea inspired by iOS.

I/O 2018 Reveal #3: Google Smart Displays

Continuing Google’s push to be a part of your daily routine, their Google Assistant functionality gets an update this summer with the launch of Google Smart Displays. These displays will be like Google Home speakers with screens, for lack of a better descriptor.

Coming in July, these smart displays are poised to compete with Amazon’s Alexa-powered Echo Show displays. Interestingly, Google’s device can play YouTube videos, while the Echo Show doesn’t have that capability.

I/O 2018 Reveal #4: Google Duplex

This robust speaking AI software stole the show. Google Duplex is a feature of Google assistant capable of making realistic phone calls to businesses to make reservations and other phone-based services. Duplex sounds natural, lifelike, and completely unlike any speaking AI we have heard before.

Complete with pauses and “ums,” Duplex manages to navigate conversation better than some humans and will be revolutionary for those with phone anxiety or those who simply don’t have time to make phone calls in their busy day.

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