Good Find Guru
Top Arthritis Pain Remedies
More than 50 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis, and up to 67 million are expected to be diagnosed by the year 2030. Arthritis pain can be downright incapacitating if it gets intense enough. Wrists and joints ache and you feel as though nothing can... Read more
Best Treatments for Migraines: Treating the Symptoms
Those who suffer from migraines know the feeling creeping up on them. It’s a tightness behind the eyes, stiffness in the neck and shoulder. Before they can respond, they’ve got a full-blown migraine hammering away inside their head. How can you take steps to alleviate your migraine symptoms? Today... Read more
Best Joint Pain Remedies
More than 50 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis, and up to 67 million are expected to be diagnosed by the year 2030. Arthritis pain can be downright incapacitating if it gets intense enough. Wrists and joints ache and you feel as though nothing can... Read more
Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Symptoms
As American lifestyles have changed, occurrences of type 2, or late onset, diabetes have become more common. Today we’ll be looking at some of the most common causes of type 2 diabetes, its symptoms, and treatments that are designed to manage the condition. If you feel as though you... Read more
Finger Arthritis Remedies
More than 50 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis, and up to 67 million are expected to be diagnosed by the year 2030. Arthritis pain can be downright incapacitating if it gets intense enough. Wrists and joints ache and you feel as though nothing can... Read more
Medicare Now Covers At-Home DNA Cancer Testing!
Cancer sucks. Your chances of surviving cancer are much better when you find it early. Well, we’ve got great news: Medicare will now cover genetic evaluation of cancer by FDA-approved tests. It’s just saliva. No blood. No needles. All from home. Cancer screening increases the chances of detecting certain... Read more
Signs of Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore
Life isn’t easy: everyone has moments when they feel low, lonely or sad. That’s to be expected, and a bit of the blues is perfectly normal for someone to go through. However, when loneliness and sadness become so profound that you feel as though they’re impacting your ability to... Read more
Headache Pain Relief: Weathering the Worst Symptoms
If you’ve got a mean headache brewing under the surface, you know that horrible feeling. You begin to rub your temples, breath out your nostrils instead of in, and try to get away from loud noises and bright lights. Today we’re going to look at some of the best... Read more
Are Energy Drinks Bad for You?
We all have those days when we need a pick-me-up. Some folks like to start their day with coffee, while others might prefer to have an energy drink with their lunch. Next to multivitamins, energy drinks are one of the most popular dietary supplements in the US. However, many... Read more
Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Symptoms
As American lifestyles have changed, occurrences of type 2, or late onset, diabetes have become more common. Today we’ll be looking at some of the most common causes of type 2 diabetes, its symptoms, and treatments that are designed to manage the condition. If you feel as though you... Read more