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Best Treatments for Muscle Aches Best Treatments for Muscle Aches
Everyone knows what it feels like to get done with a hard day at work and feel muscles aches and soreness. When you’re trying... Best Treatments for Muscle Aches

Everyone knows what it feels like to get done with a hard day at work and feel muscles aches and soreness. When you’re trying to just unwind and relax, you just want relief from aching muscles.

Today we’re going over some of the best treatments for muscle aches to help you relax and unwind.

Best Treatments for Muscle Aches


Another name for muscle aches is myalgia, and it’s a rather common condition. Anything from strenuous activity to the common cold can cause aching muscles. Stress and tension are other common causes, though muscle pain can also result from damaging muscles during exercise.

Whatever causes your myalgia might have, there are a number of treatments you can try to ease your pain. Remember, if your pain is extreme or causing you serious medical problems, contact your doctor immediately.

Take it Easy

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but you need to take it easy on a sore muscle. If your bicep is aching and sore, don’t exert it. Drink plenty of water and just relax. Tension can be a huge factor in muscle aches, so simply relaxing and letting your muscles rest can be a huge help.

Stretching is another way to help your aching muscles. Gently stretch out the affected muscle before using cold and hot compresses on it.

Hot and Cold Compress

Using a cold compress or ice pack can help reduce inflammation and soreness. Following that up with a warm compress or hot pack is then great for relaxing muscles and helping them heal. Products like Icey Hot are marketed for this exact purpose.


An over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen can be a huge help when it comes to soreness of the muscles. Make sure you take NSAIDs only as directed, as they can cause liver damage if taken improperly.

When to See the Doctor

If your pain persists for more than a few days, or causes you extreme discomfort, see your doctor. There’s no reason to try to treat an injured muscle at home if you’re experiencing serious discomfort. You risk further injury if you improperly treat a damaged muscle, so don’t hesitate to see your doctor.