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Health Benefits to Probiotics Health Benefits to Probiotics
Probiotics are microorganisms that are often ingested from fermented foods. These little microorganisms aren’t disease-causing like some of their cousins, though. No, instead, probiotics... Health Benefits to Probiotics

Probiotics are microorganisms that are often ingested from fermented foods. These little microorganisms aren’t disease-causing like some of their cousins, though.

No, instead, probiotics are wonderful for you and can confer many health benefits!

Probiotics and Health Benefits

Probiotics Sources

It’s not hard to get more probiotics into your diet. The main way to do this, of course, is just by eating fermented foods. Saerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and the like are all fine examples of such fermented goods. There are also supplements you can take to get probiotics into your diet.

What Probiotics Do

Probiotics are, generally speaking, bacteria or microorganisms that promote the natural bacteria that live in your gastrointestinal system. If the thought of a lot of microorganisms calling your body home seems weird, don’t sweat it! They’re supposed to be there and they have a symbiotic relationship with you.

Without these bacteria, you simply wouldn’t be able to eat the foods you do. These bacteria help you to break down and digest certain foods, and they just take a little for themselves. Take heart: you’re an ecosystem for millions of tiny lives. How cool is that?

Health Benefits

Probiotics have a number of purported health benefits. Clinical testing is still underway, but preliminary findings are quite positive. It seems as though probiotics encourage your body in a number of ways and can have numerous health benefits, mainly in the gastrointestinal tract.

Namely, probiotics have been linked with increased digestive help, soothing upset stomachs and making digestion easier. People with digestive issues often take probiotic supplements or drink kombucha to help with their digestion.

Weight Loss

Some have remarked on the weight-loss potential found in probiotics. Thanks to the digestion-increasing properties of these microorganisms, they can also play a role in helping someone to lose weight. Including probiotics into a healthy diet with exercise is highly recommended.

Keep in mind, of course, that are are no magic solutions to weight loss. While probiotics can help your weight loss journey, they’re not going to do the heavy lifting for you. A good diet, with the right mix of nutrients, has to be kept up. Additionally, staying in shape involves fitness, exercise and determination.

Bottom Line

While studies have shown that there are more tests to be run on the effects of probiotics, they’re not bad for you. In fact, early findings have shown they may even increase heart and digestive health, and that they can help you lose weight and can even help your immune system.