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Good Habits: Finding Time to Exercise Good Habits: Finding Time to Exercise
Health and fitness get overlooked often in the hustle and bustle of daily activities. However, one of the most important cornerstones of a healthy... Good Habits: Finding Time to Exercise

Health and fitness get overlooked often in the hustle and bustle of daily activities. However, one of the most important cornerstones of a healthy life is exercise. If you want to feel better, live longer and have more energy, you should consider getting into an exercise routine. We know what you’re thinking: when am I going to have time for that? Today, we’re going to help you find that time.

Finding Time to Exercise

Why Getting Fit Matters

A lot of people simply wave off fitness or make excuses. It’s hard to get into shape and stay in shape, right? Well, that’s not necessarily true. When you get the right cadence going in your life, you’d be surprised at how easy it gets to stay in your routine.

When you’re working out more, you just feel better. This has little to do with body type, though being in shape can be nice. No, instead, the health benefits of exercise we’re focused on are more to do with your mood, your energy level and your overall health.

Those who regularly exercise create better habits for themselves and begin to cultivate discipline. Personal discipline is an invaluable resource, as it can help you get nearly anything done. It goes hand in hand with resolve and determination, which are admirable traits!

Lunch Break

Consider bringing a packed lunch to work that you can eat quickly. If you get an hour for lunch, bring something you can eat in ten minutes. This frees up fifty minutes of your time so that you can engage in some light exercise!

No one wants to be sweating at work, but you can take a quick walk. Maybe take a walk around the building, or to your car and back. Not only will you find more time to get your exercise in, you’ll also save money on your lunch. You might even eat better, making your own food, rather than eating out at a restaurant.

Waking Up Sooner

Some of the best workout time can be found just before or just after sunup. Maybe you go into work at 9:00: consider waking at 7:00 in order to give yourself time to get in a jog and a few pushups and sit-ups. When you first wake up, your body is flooded with adrenaline. What better way to get a start to your day than to break into some exercise?

It’s also better for your body to get to bed earlier and awaken earlier. Staying up late every night has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and other disorders. A well-regulated schedule of exercise and fitness is great for your body!

On the Way Home from Work

When you’re on the way home from work, do you pass any gyms? Maybe consider getting a trail membership to a gym and seeing how you feel heading by there after work. If you hate waking up early and would rather work out later in the day, try hitting the gym every other workday.

Maybe you try to get by the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Whatever works for your schedule! That way, you get a nice capstone to your day and get to work out any frustration or energy from the workday.

Weekend Warrior

If your weekdays are totally packed full of activities, consider getting your workouts in during the weekend. Sure, it’s preferable that you work out more regularly than that, but it’s a great way to start. The best thing about exercise is that it’s a self-reinforcing activity. It feels nice to be active! Your body will soon push you to get out and be active all on its own.